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Android Debloater
Have you ever been really annoyed by the BLOATWARE on your mobile device? Well if its an Android then this may be an easy and safe answer for you.
How to Setup the Android Device and Software
official instructions here at https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-use-it – mine may be clearer
You require a windows, linux, or mac computer AND an Android device plus a USB cord. Your charging cord should be sufficient.
On your computer
Install the Android USB driver for the model of your device or phone. found at https://developer.android.com/studio/run/oem-usb#Drivers
You're using wordpress?
(approx 4 minute read time)
Game Experiments Gets a domain
For a short while we used WordPress with Hostinger.
I have a policy of using free open source stuff for everything that will be covered by a tutorial (with minor exceptions).
Start using Docs to learn
Some tools and computer languages included here.
Most programming languages can just be read like you would read English. You will still trip up in places, but most of it should be human-readable.
Computer languages change, but the basics usually stay much the same. You can always use the references, lookup newer features, and view best practices as they change.
Here are a list of a few free and almost free resources